A Blend of Montessori and Traditional Teaching
CALL US: 513-554-4833
All classes are taught by a certified teacher and classes of 10 or more children will also have an assistant teacher. Often there will also be a parent helper in the classroom. There will be a maximum of 18 children in each class with two teachers. Parents may be classroom helpers as often as desired.
Class Fee: $50 (includes cleaning, Clifford Magazine & Graduation)
Late Tuition: $25 if paid after the 15th of each month
Returned Check: $25 and the amount of check paid in cash
Registration Fee: $100.00 for one child and $160 for 2 children and is non-refundable. Tuition fees listed below:
AM: $210.00 per month ( 8:00 – 11:30 )
Full Day: $380.00 per month (8:00 - 2:30)
Tuesday & Thursday
AM: $195.00 per month ( 8:00 – 11:30 )
Full Day: $280 per month (8:00 - 2:30)
AM: $325.00 per month ( 8:00 – 11:30 )
Full Day: $545.00 per month ( 8:00 – 2:30 )
Extended Care:
Morning starts at 7:15 am: $9 an hour
Afternoon starts at 2:30 and ends at 3:45: $9 an hour

The program philosophy is a blend of Montessori and traditional teaching methods. This combination offers children a balance of child directed and teacher directed activities. The center's purpose is to create an atmosphere that encourages the development of the total child which includes emotional, physical, social, spiritual and intellectual growth. The goal of
Serendipity is to provide each child in our center with:
An increased level of self esteem
A basic foundation in academic skills
A basic foundation in Christian morals and values
Improved social skills
Improved motor skills
An increased level of independence
An increased level of emotional development
An increased interest in the world around them
A respect for teachers and other authority figures
A positive attitude about school and learning
We want to give the children in our classes a chance to tell us about themselves and their families. We do this by making each child the "Star of the Week”. Every week one child in each class will be our "star". During his/her special week your child's poster will hang in the classroom. Each class day of that week your child will get a chance to stand in front of the class and tell his/her classmates a little about himself/herself. He/she will tell us about the poster and the special people whom they have included on it.
Star Schedule:
Coming Soon