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It is important that open communication between parents and teachers is maintained throughout the year.  The parents are the real experts on the child so your input is extremely valuable.  Parent conferences will be scheduled twice each year.  The November conference is expected so that we can continue your child's success, but is optional in May and is only needed if you as the parent feel it necessary or the teacher has any real concern. 

Parents are encouraged to participate in all class activities and may help in the classroom as often as desired.   Parents may choose the days they wish to help. Our preschoolers are always thrilled to bring a parent (or grandparent) to school, so families are encouraged to make every attempt to participate as a classroom helper. If parent is unavailable to help out in the classroom another family member is welcomed to fulfill the parent’s responsibility. Parents are expected to attend parent /teacher conference.

Serendipity ELC Preschool Handbook

About our Payment Schedule

Parents are responsible for contracted tuition payments whether or not your child attends class.  Checks should be made payable to Serendipity ELC. Tuition is due the first class day of the month.  All other fees, such as school fees, field trips, late charges and book orders may be given to teachers.  Children may be withdrawn for non payment of fees.


2023-2024 School Calendar

September 4th – first day of school

November 19th-23rd   - Thanksgiving Break                    

December  19th-January 1st  - Christmas Break

January 21st - NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Day         

February  18th - NO SCHOOL President's Day

March 29th-April 8th - Spring Break

May 22nd  - Last day of regular classes

May  22nd  -  Graduation for  kids going to Kindergarten


Snow Days and Emergency Call System

Serendipity will generally follow the Reading Community Schools schedule for snow days. In addition, we will text/call every family.  If it is necessary to cancel school due to the weather or any other emergency, we will always text the phone number that is given at the parent meeting. It is important to keep this number updated, if it changes it needs to be changed with the director as soon as possible.

Daily Schedule


8:00  Arrival

8:30  Circle Time

8:45 Classroom Activities

10:25  Group Bathroom

10:30  Snack

10:45  Music/Large Muscle

11:15  Story

11:30  Dismissal

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